Angela Verdon

Angela has been working in ceramics for over 50 years. Her first experience of clay was at after school class, leading to a Foundation Arts Course in Derby, then a BA in Wolverhampton, and an MA at Royal College of Art London. The latter two degree courses were very open-ended and encouraged exploration of other materials and a wide variety of working methods. This suited Angela as she has always been interested in both industrial production processes and sculptural techniques.

Her next formative period was a residency in 1976 at Gladstone Pottery Museum, an inspirational historic location working alongside skilled craftspeople. It was here that she discovered bone china which when its surface was carved into, resulted in ‘lines of light’. This became her entire focus for the next decade. She produced paper thin pierced and carved vessel forms (in national and international collections). Angela continues to create work in china and porcelain of all shades of white and in varying scale.

Her current work focuses on enclosed abstract sculptural forms investigating organic contours, contrasting hard edges, and the consequent tension between the two. Line and form with their resulting shadows are inspired by natural and architectural environments, in both simple and complex ways.