Please note: This Exhibition has finished

Peter Beard

Peter Beard

Thursday 15th September - Saturday 8th October 2022

Peter Beard’s work has been loosely inspired by flat textured surfaces in stone, both man-made and natural, and is a continuation of his exploration of form and colour. Integrating more complex patterns to his usually wax resist techniques, Peter will also be going in a slightly new direction in the forms and techniques of his ground work. 

Wax resist technique is layering glaze and painting patterns in wax between the layers to create pattern and texture with the wax burning away in the kiln. Peter builds to 1cm thickness and glazes his pieces up to three times before grinding away at the surface to reveal the colours and patterns formed within the structure, starting coarse and going finer until the surface is silky smooth. This process means that the works can take up to six months to make. 

“I hope people will get pleasure from my work over many years and continually see new areas of beauty within the surface.  To have a timeless quality.” 


Other Exhibitions...

New Members of the Craft Potters Association II

Marina Bauguil, Daniel Chau, Moira Goodall, Björk Haraldsdóttir, Paul James, Jaeeun Kim, John MacKenzie, Ania Perkowska, Birgit Pohl, Amanda-Sue Rope, Jessica Thorn, Kate Windibank
Thursday 25th July - Saturday 17th August 2024

Twelve new members of the Craft Potters Association exhibit their inspiring work in this second group show of 2024. Expect to be impressed once more, by a selection of skilfully made sculptural, figurative, organic and functional forms.
Marina Bauguil, Daniel Chau, Moira Goodall, Björk Haraldsdóttir, Paul James, Jaeeun Kim, John MacKenzie, Ania Perkowska, Birgit Pohl, Amanda-Sue Rope, Jessica Thorn, Kate Windibank

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Adam Frew

Thursday 22nd August - Saturday 14th September 2024

Adam Frew works in porcelain, creating thrown functional and large one-off pots. He revels in the spontaneity of throwing, the speed of production, seeking to reflect this energy in his distinctive mark making. These marks are continually evolving, but are always energetic and confident.
Adam works in contrasts: of lines or washes, glazed and unglazed, blues and oranges or reds and more recently, applied ridges.“A sense of energy has always been central to my work. Working with the clay in a way that is fluid and quick, and doesn’t require much reshaping.”Adam Frew works in porcelain, creating thrown functional and large one-off pots.

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Charles Bound: Learning to See

Thursday 19th September - Saturday 12th October 2024

Charles Bound ‘s work is unconsciously influenced by significant periods of time spent in the USA, Africa, and the UK. Loose and elemental, it reflects the rugged landscape of Wales, particularly of the farm environment where he lives and works today. The indeterminate process of seeing how it goes has always motivated Charles; often with the friendly eye of a visiting granddaughter who would help him decide what a piece was to be as it was developing.

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Akiko Hirai: Sleep On It

Thursday 17th October - Saturday 9th November 2024

Akiko Hirai makes largely functional ware using the Japanese tradition of allowing the clay itself to show the way in which it wants to be fired. She tries not to control her materials but to let them and the unpredictable environment of the kiln dictate much of the resulting shape and colour of her work.

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